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Lesson 3: Flours & Grains

Grains can be a good addition to ones diet, so long as they are the “right” kind of grains AND they are prepared properly.

– Worst Flour Types

Enriched / White Flour – White flour has been stripped of all the nutrients in processing. They then “enrich” the flour by adding back in synthetic vitamins and minerals. These minerals are not easily recognized and used by the body because they are not natural.

Whole Wheat Flour – “Traditional” Whole Wheat flour has been hybrid over the years to increase grain yield, quality, disease and insect resistance. This is bad news, I know…but do not be alarmed, we will cover some easy replacements for typical whole wheat flour further down this page.

Corn Meal or Four – Store-bought corn meal or corn flour (Masa) can go rancid quickly, even on store shelves, and is usually genetically modified. If you are going to use corn meal in your diet, use it only on occasion and not as a staple. Also look for organic corn meal that is non-gmo and purchase from a sore that you know has a high turn-over rate.

“A diet high in “refined” white flour increases the risk of heart disease.”

– Best Flour Types

Spelt – Spelt is an ancient grain that traces its heritage back long before many wheat hybrids [WHFoods]. It is available today in most health stores and/or local higher-end markets, and it is usually affordable in price. Spelt flour is also available at Amazon.com Spelt flour can be used anywhere you would normally use whole wheat flour.

Emmer – Emmer is another, even older, ancient form of wheat. It is also sometimes known as “Farro”, was spoken about in the Bible, and used as a staple grain in ancient Egypt. Emmer can be used like “whole wheat” flour, but is a little hard to find and more expensive than Spelt.

Since Spelt & Emmer have not been inbred like their “wheat” cousins, they can sometimes be enjoyed by those that typically have “wheat” sensitivities. (NOTE: If you have wheat sensitivities, intolerance’s, and/or allergies – please do not try Spelt or Emmer unless under the direction of your Physician/Naturopath, etc.)

Other Healthy Grain Options

  • Rye
  • Kamut
  • Barley
  • Oats
  • Coconut Flour*
  • Nut Flours* (homemade)
  • Brown Rice
  • Buckwheat*
  • Millet*
  • Quinoa*
  • Teff*
  • Amaranth*

* = gluten-free

Grains Must Be Prepared Properly for the Best Health and Nutrition!

Okay so now you know which grains (flour types) to avoid and which ones are better for your health. But, to get the most out of your grains, you need to prepare them properly.

You can read more about how to do this in Part 2 of this Lesson: Properly Preparing Grains.

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