Lesson 10: Continuing Your Journey


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It is so great that you have completed the lessons on sourdough baking and we hope you are as excited about sourdough as we are.

Sourdough can be a healthy alternative to bread or baked goods made with rapid rise yeast. Not to mention the taste is wonderful! You may discover that you do not want store bought breads anymore.

As we mentioned in lesson 3 Science and Health sourdough has 4 benefits that accrue during its culturing period.

  1. Increased nutritional availability of nutrients in the foods.
  2. Gluten is reduced or eliminated.
  3. Phytic acid is neutralized allowing for better absorption of minerals.
  4. Rising of the bread product producing a fluffy texture we enjoy.

We encourage you to make some of these great foods as soon as you can, if you have not already done so.

  • English muffins – make great flat bread and freeze well for quick use.
  • Muffins – can be enjoyed by everyone and can be part of a quick meal.
  • No knead breads – go great with many dinner meals.

If you have questions about sourdough do see the FAQs Section.

Many of our students ask us for advice on what is the next step to further their wellness life style.

First really apply what you have just learned. Get some experience under your belt as soon as you can. Decide to replace store bought breads with sourdough. We have gotten so many positive reports from families by just doing this. You will be getting higher nutrition and finding that you will be eating less.

But it does not stop there. You will be avoiding the all the chemical preservatives, artificial flavorings, colorings, and added sugars. Just those changes alone can make a difference overtime. Our book Sourdough Baking Made Easy, has recipes that can help you replace all your bread based items.

Add in other types of fermented foods to your diet.

Next we would suggest looking bringing Lacto-fermented foods into your diet. Commercially produced condiments have many additives, preservatives, and extra sugars. It is a process that is done without heat and can be preformed on most vegetables. Lacto-fermentation increases the nutrients and enzymes in foods while preserving them. Sauerkraut and pickles were originally lacto-fermented.

A great side benefit to lacto-fermented foods is that they taste cooked, but are not. This is how we get all the benefits of raw with out that “raw” taste.

This easy process that you can do in your kitchen, creates foods that taste great, are high in nutrition, enzymes and contain more probiotics in each serving than any pill.

What are some other foods that can be lacto-fermented?

Let me mention a few: ketchup, mayonnaise, pickles, relishes, salsas, dips, etc. Just think about it, you will be replacing these commonly used items with ones that have all the benefits we mentioned earlier. But it does not stop there. You will be avoiding all the chemical preservatives, artificial flavorings, colorings, and added sugars these products contain.

Think how much this will benefit you and your family’s health by bringing sourdough and lacto-fermentation into your home?

We have made it easy to learn about lacto-fermenting with our eCourse Lacto-fermenting: The Easy & Healthy Way. This 11 lesson ecourse gives you the understanding and hands on know how to make the great foods you want for you and your family just like this eCourse on Sourdough baking did.

Look for the Ultimate Lacto-fermenting Package to get a great price on the video along with the cookbook and hardware needed to begin lacto-fermenting.

Jeff and I want to encourage you in your continued journey and thank you for taking our video course.

If you have questions, comments or suggestions please contact us.

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Dutch Ovens for No Knead Breads and more!
Mix up batters and dough with ease!
Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com