“Naturally Sweetened” Creamy Fudgsicles

These homemade fudgsicles utilize those over-ripe bananas you might have lying around. The bananas give the popsicles a creamy texture and natural sweetness. They're a favorite of both kids and adults alike. These pops definitely don't last long in my house! :) "Naturally Sweetened" Creamy Fudge Pops   Print … [Read more...]

Peach Sherbet

This homemade peach sherbet is just bursting with peach flavor. It is definitely on the top of my list of peach yumminess and very refreshing on a hot summers day. But sadly I am all out of the wonderful Texas Peaches I bought a week ago. Must--go--get--some--more... (You may omit the vodka in this recipe, but the amount … [Read more...]

Berry-Vanilla Creamy Yogurt Pops *

These creamy yogurt pops are a treat, especially on those hot summer days when you need something refreshing. Adults and kids of all ages love these healthy frozen yogurt popsicles. You can feel good about giving them something that's "good" for them...they are a delicious sugar-free and grain-free treat. You can make … [Read more...]

Healthy “Magic Shell” Ice Cream Topping

Once upon a time, "Magic Shell" was my absolute favorite ice cream topping. It's been a long time since I've tasted it. Now that we avoid all processed foods, packaged, bottled foods in our home...I decided to make my own. It's so easy and I knew the kids would love it as much as I do. And indeed they did! Give it a try and … [Read more...]

Mocha-Coffee “Coconut Milk” Ice Cream

Our second favorite flavor of coconut milk ice cream is this one, Mocha-Coffee "Coconut Milk" Ice Cream. Everyone in the family appreciates this flavor, as it is always gobbled up in one sitting. It's rich, deep, and very satisfying -- I know it's dessert, but think how good it is for you (with the coconut milk and all) … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com