Our Mission & Vision

Ever wonder who and what is behind Cooking God’s Way or why it was even named what it is. Well lets take a look and see what we find.

Why Cooking God’s Way?

We choose the name Cooking God’s Way for our company and website because we see it as a question. “What would God choose to cook for us.”

God would choose…

  1. …foods that are healthy for us.
  2. …recipes that we like culturally.
  3. …whole foods that are healthy for our bodies.

Cooking God’s Way’s Mission

“Our mission is to educate individuals and families how to obtain health using real foods.”

We have all heard the old saying you are what you eat. In our office we took this old saying, expanded it, and painted it on the wall, so it is always before us. “Life is like an echo, you get out of it what you put in.”

Want to read about Jeff and Shannon?



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Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com