Lacto-fermented Salsa Verde *

This salsa is one of my all-time favorites (the other is this roasted tomato salsa). This green salsa is excellent on top of anything from tortilla chips, eggs, tacos, beans, and more! I could go on and on about the many uses of this lacto-fermented delight. But I won't, so you can get to making this for yourself … [Read more...]

Lacto-fermented Hummus (Garbanzo Bean Dip)

Traditional hummus makes a great healthy snack when served with some fresh veggies along side. THIS hummus is even more "nutritious" due to the lacto-fermentation process, which creates beneficial probiotics and numerous enzymes that are so important for good health. So, go ahead and serve this version at your next get … [Read more...]

Lacto-fermented “Deli-Style” Pickle Spears *

We love pickles in our family, and these ones are our definite favorites.... Deli-Style, delicious, "good for you", yumminess :) My kids would eat half the jar in one sitting, if I let them ;) 3 to 4 pickling cucumbers, depending on size 2 cups filtered water 1 1/2 Tablespoons unrefined sea salt (Pink Himalayan or … [Read more...]

“Best Ever” Lacto-fermented Sauerkraut *

I've finally found the secret to great sauerkraut.....very finely shred the cabbage! I was doing it by hand before because I don't have a thin enough blade for my food processor. But I guess cutting it into shreds by hand just wasn't getting it thin enough. And I never thought to use my mandoline slicer....duh :P So that's … [Read more...]

Homemade Yogurt “The Easy Way”

Yogurt is a super-nutritious food, full of beneficial bacteria (Probiotics). Especially "homemade" yogurt, as most store-bought yogurts contain some sort of additives and/or thickeners-stabilizers. We use yogurt a lot around here for making smoothies, eating plain (or with fruit) for a snack or great breakfast, and in … [Read more...]

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