Lesson 1: Starting Your Journey


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Congratulations on starting your journey with "live" foods! Live foods are one of the most important things you can incorporate into your life.

Lacto-fermentation is all about culturing "living" foods to make a product that is greater than what you started with. What does this mean? It means foods that are higher in nutrition, vitamins, enzymes, and easier to digest than any other food out there.

We, as living beings, do best when we consume foods that are full of "life".

Our journey can be seen as leaving the land of foods that are over-processed, preserved with chemical additives, contain flavorings and colorings that are often derived from petroleum by-products.

Learning to make lacto-fermented foods can make a big difference in your life…. but rest easy, lacto-fermenting is much simpler than you might think.

What to expect from this course:

  • 11 Full Comprehensive Lessons.
  • Each lesson is a stand-alone, lasting 10 minutes or less.
  • Documentation, including the recipes and imporant notes.
  • You will become an expert in lacto-fermentation, learning multiple methods of making these great foods.

You will gain a "whole-picture" understanding of lacto-fermentation, and your friends and family will see you as an expert!

Continue to Lesson 2 – History —>

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– Lesson Documentation (PDFs)
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Essential Veggie Fermentation Weights

Cooking God's Way Air-lock System

Lacto-fermenting The Easy & Healthy Way

Lacto-fermenting Supplies
available at

Nylon Mesh Strainers Great for Yogurt and Kefir
Nylon Mesh Strainers Great for Yogurt and Kefir
Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com