Lesson 6: Homemade Yogurt


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Yogurt is one of the easiest foods to make at home. That is a good thing since it can be so good for your health.

You can make yogurt in your own home without any special equipment… you probably have everything you need already in your kitchen.

Yogurt that contains "live" cultures can act to help feed healthy flora in the digestive tract. That flora acts to help digest the foods you eat, which is very important to us.

Many brands of yogurt sold in the stores are pasteurized before they leave the factory.

Yes, this is a dead food, but there are some live yogurts on the market. Lets compare store bought live yogurt to homemade live yogurt.

  • Store-bought "Live" Yogurt has to meet certain requirements about the amount of live cultures per serving.When it leaves the factory it has to contain 100 million live cultures per serving. At the time of its expiration date it has to contain 10 million live cultures per serving. Wow, that is an allowed decline in quality of 90%!
  • Homemade Yogurt that is cultured for 12 hours has around "800 Billion" live cultures per serving. (If you culture the yogurt for 24 hours it contains about 1.3 Trillion live bacteria or more per serving.)

That sure is a big difference from store-bought to homemade. Your homemade yogurt will also be made with better quality ingredients and be kept at proper storage requirements, so there will be little decline in quality if any.

One other note to mention: According to the National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC), yogurt can much better be tolerated by people that are lactose intolerant. In our experience homemade yogurt breaks down the lactose even better than store bought, especially when cultured for 24 hours.

Add to this great levels of protein, calcium, B-2, B-12, potassium and magnesium. Studies have shown yogurt can help with regularity and bowel health.

For the recipe, see lesson documentation on Homemade Yogurt.

Continue to Lesson 7 – Whey, Greek Yogurt, & Yogurt Cheese —>

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