Holistic Nutritional Consulting

Holistic Nutritional Consulting is using nutrition to obtain body balance with the outward sign of whole health and mental stability. We are the sum total of what we take in: physically, mentally, socially, etc… Today the Standard American Diet is comprised of what ever is fast, easy, and cheap.

“Life is like an echo, you get out of it what you put in.”

Eating nutritional balanced can be easy, affordable, and time efficient. To sum it up this is a lifestyle change. The great thing is you can apply this new healthy lifestyle at home, when eating out, or on trips. Never again will you have to diet. After all diets don’t work only lifestyle changes work.

One-On-One Holistic Nutritional Consulting

I Jeff Pearce, HNC of Cooking God’s Way, provide individual holistic nutritional consulting for people with anything from minor health concerns to severe and chronic issues and to anyone wanting to enhance their quality of life. Holistic Nutritional consultations are scheduled by appointment only and can take place in my office or by phone. Services provided are:

Body Balance Nutrition for Whole HealthWhen the body balance is achieved through proper nutrition physical issues can finally heal. Cravings, head hunger, emotional eating, tend to disappear with correct nutrition, because your body is no longer trying to find what it needs.

Natural Weight Loss and Weight ManagementDiets don’t work. Healthy lifestyle changes do. Learn how changing a few foods and habits can contribute to a healthy lifestyle change, which changes the outward appearance once and for all. Stop counting calories and eat healthy foods that help manage your weight naturally.

Detoxification for Improved HealthToday’s processed foods are made up of many artificial ingredients that the body does not recognize, often these items are stored for the future. Detoxing the body removes these added burdens that have been hanging around for years, impairing your health.

Sports Nutrition for AthletesImproved nutrition can make a “Good Athlete” a “Great Athlete”, which would you want to be? Learn what foods help the body to utilize nutrition more efficiently, shortening recovery time, providing quicker injury recovery, and increasing energy levels.

Consultations starting at $45

Holistic Nutritional Consulting Can Help:

  • Cholesterol/Triglycerides Issues
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Managing Blood Pressure
  • Anxiety, Depression, Mood-Swings
  • Cravings and Addiction
  • Cardiovascular wellness
  • Detoxification & Cleansing
  • Natural Weight Loss & Weight Management
  • Healthy Weight Gain
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Joint Pain and Stiffness
  • Circulatory Issues
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Lack of Energy, Vitality & Motivation
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Immune Problems
  • Skin Conditions
  • Women’s Issues like: PMS, Menstrual Issues, Menopause
  • Infertility Issues
  • Sleep Issues



Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com