Sedwick, Maine Lets Its People Eat! Can You?

How would you like to live in a town that allowed you to produce, process, sell, purchase and consume local foods of your choice. All I can say is WOW!!! This would be a dream come true for many of us healthy minded ones. Well it is not a dream anymore for the people in Sedgwick, Maine that have stood up for their rights to eat healthy food.

The town unanimously passed an ordinance giving its citizens the right “to produce, process, sell, purchase, and consume local foods of their choosing.” This includes raw milk, locally slaughtered meats, and just about anything else you can imagine. Sedgwick, Maine is not alone in this choice. There are at least 3 other towns ready to give the right to the local residents to chose where their food comes from like Sedgwick did.

Deborah Evans, a local resident of Sedwick commented:

This isn’t just a declaration of preference. The proposed warrant added, “It shall be unlawful for any law or regulation adopted by the state or federal government to interfere with the rights recognized by this Ordinance.” In other words, no state licensing requirements prohibiting certain farms from selling dairy products or producing their own chickens for sale to other citizens in the town.

What about potential legal liability and state or federal inspections? It’s all up to the seller and buyer to negotiate. “Patrons purchasing food for home consumption may enter into private agreements with those producers or processors of local foods to waive any liability for the consumption of that food. Producers or processors of local foods shall be exempt from licensure and inspection requirements for that food as long as those agreements are in effect.” Imagine that–buyer and seller can agree to cut out the lawyers. That’s almost un-American, isn’t it? – David Gumpert

Municipal home rule in Maine is both constitutional and legislative. The constitutional provision can be found in the Constitution of the State of Maine, Art. VII, Pt.2, §1, and was adopted in public referendum in 1969. The amendment reads:
“The inhabitants of any municipality shall have the power to alter and amend their charters on all matters, not prohibited by Constitution or general law, which are local and municipal in character. The legislature shall prescribe the procedure by which the municipality may so act.”

Our Local Food and Community Self-Governance Ordinance states:
(1) Producers or processors of local foods in the Town of Sedgwick are exempt from licensure and inspection provided that the transaction is only between the producer or processor and a patron when the food is sold for home consumption. . . .
(2) Producers or processors of local foods in the Town of Sedgwick are exempt from licensure and inspection provided that the products are prepared for, consumed or sold at a community social event.”

Therefore, we the radicals who concocted this mutinous act of infamy believe that according to the Home Rule provisions of our State Constitution, the citizens of Sedgwick have the right to enact an ordinance that is “local and municipal in character.”

David Gumpert’s comments about the act.

This isn’t just a declaration of preference. The proposed warrant added, “It shall be unlawful for any law or regulation adopted by the state or federal government to interfere with the rights recognized by this Ordinance.” In other words, no state licensing requirements prohibiting certain farms from selling dairy products or producing their own chickens for sale to other citizens in the town.

What about potential legal liability and state or federal inspections? It’s all up to the seller and buyer to negotiate. “Patrons purchasing food for home consumption may enter into private agreements with those producers or processors of local foods to waive any liability for the consumption of that food. Producers or processors of local foods shall be exempt from licensure and inspection requirements for that food as long as those agreements are in effect.” Imagine that–buyer and seller can agree to cut out the lawyers. That’s almost un-American, isn’t it?

Yes, this will mean that the local residents will have to educate themselves in proper food processing and handling techniques. But be honest, this is nothing new, after all people have been around for thousands of years. Personally I think this is a great move as it will let the people that want to be more in control of their health. If they want to consume raw milk, locally slaughtered meats, or anything else, they can.

This can happen in small towns much easier than in large cities. People in the country tend to be more self-sufficient already. Maybe some how this choice, if it grows across the nation will be a sign to food producers and processors that “We The People” want better choices.

When you realize it, this is just an extension of what is happening all around the country in politics. The people are waking up to the fact that Government does not know best when it comes to running their lives. If one takes back their health then it becomes the awakening of their body, mind and spirit. I am not trying to get all weird and deep here. We at Cooking God’s Way have long believed that when a person is healthy, not only are they more apt to be disease free, but their mind will be clear. Clear minds make better life choices allowing you to be almost limitless in your directions.

When you make buying choices you are voting with your money. Companies want your money.

What choices are you making when voting?


The Complete Patient

Food Renegade

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About Jeff

Jeff Pearce is a board certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant and has coached hundreds of people in the Dallas/Fort Worth to help them achieve their health goals. If you would like more information about his services view the Health Consultations section. For those not in the physical area Distance Coaching is an option. A 15 minute "No Cost" informational consult is available, by phone, to chat and answer questions about services. To schedule your no cost informational consultation please contact us .

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