Dying While Eating Healthy

Eating healthy is not always the easiest or most enjoyable thing to do. After all we are human and most of us did not start life eating healthy. The past life of ease by just grabbing whatever is quick and easy, sometime comes back to tempt us.

Last night we held a fun lacto-fermenting class to help bring a few more people into the understanding of how easy eating healthy can be. The class went well and all enjoyed it, one attendee even made a comment that made me snap to, “Now that I understanding how yogurt helps to build the digestive track I am going to eat it, even though I never did like it a lot.” Wow, what a healthy choice to make. Doing what is best even though it is not always enjoyable. I was impressed.

After the class items were all cleaned up and everything put back into order it was time to see about feeding us and the kids. It was a little late so a meal was thrown together with some left overs that were on hand. A few minutes later we were seated and ready to give the healthy nourishment to our bodies that it deserved.

Looking down into my bowl I realized I had not seen this meal before. It was just a few normal things mixed together.” It did not look glamorous, in fact it was sort of plain in appearance. It did contain all the building blocks of a healthy meal, vegetables, protein, and some complex carbohydrates. After tasting it I realized it was not exactly what my taste buds were expecting. Being a guy I figured some hot sauce would fix it up. Hot sauce always helps, right? Not this time, it actually took it the wrong way more.

Everyone was enjoying their food and the kids even asked for seconds. I was faced with a realization that I could eat this healthy meal that did not appeal to me or skip the nourishment my body needed. What do you think I did? I ate my healthy bowl of nourishment maybe slower than normal, but I did finish it. And you know what? My body rewarded me in the morning, I awoke feeling great with lots of energy. Now that is nothing out of the ordinary, but what struck me was my body did enjoy the meal.

It has been years since we ate over excited chemical enhanced flavored meals. Yet at times the mind sometimes remembers its old additions and tries to bring them back. Eating healthy as a lifestyle may mean at times one chooses nutrition over taste. It is better for the body over the long run that we are dying to our old eating ways. Remember that next time you pass up that sugar filled great looking treat someone brought into work to share with the office. Compared to it, your lunch from home may look plain, but looks can be deceiving. Your body will thank you later with energy and continued well being.

Everything in life that is of worth requires sacrifice to gain.
– Jeff

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About Jeff

Jeff Pearce is a board certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant and has coached hundreds of people in the Dallas/Fort Worth to help them achieve their health goals. If you would like more information about his services view the Health Consultations section. For those not in the physical area Distance Coaching is an option. A 15 minute "No Cost" informational consult is available, by phone, to chat and answer questions about services. To schedule your no cost informational consultation please contact us .

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