Theater Popcorn, Weight Loss, Eat Some Fat!

Ready for a quick quiz? What oil was normally used to make popcorn in movie theaters in America till the late 1980's? It is often mistaken in baked goods as butter, since it can give a buttery taste. Last clue... When consumed causes the metabolism to increase burning more calories, aiding in weight-loss. Give … [Read more...]

Your Body Will Thank You, Dance & Lose Weight

Over the past few articles we have been talking about a fat that is so good for your body, that it can help cut your risk of heart disease, give you energy, and today we will talk about how it can help you lose weight. It is amazing to understand all this fat can do for your body. Today we will round out with our last … [Read more...]

Some Fats Make You Want To Dance

Recently I was asked by a reader to help explain more about coconut oil and how it can be so healthy for us? Getting past the idea that it is a saturated fat does give some people problems after being taught that saturated fats are bad for years. But understanding and changing our conceptions of things in the light of … [Read more...]

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