Germinated (Sprouted) Brown Rice

Brown Rice can be a nourishing food in your diet. But like all grains it contains Phytic Acid which blocks your absorption of those great nutrients. Soaking the brown rice alone is not enough to make these nutrients available. The rice must be germinated (sprouted) in order to get the most out of it. It is said that … [Read more...]

Eat Healthy, Learn from Other Cultures & Have Fun!

One of the most memorable things about visiting another country is the food. Is it because it's all that great, or just something new and different? I think maybe it's a little of both. Well the great thing is that one doesn't have to travel to the far ends of the earth to enjoy other cultural foods. Once you know the … [Read more...]

Some Fats Make You Want To Dance

Recently I was asked by a reader to help explain more about coconut oil and how it can be so healthy for us? Getting past the idea that it is a saturated fat does give some people problems after being taught that saturated fats are bad for years. But understanding and changing our conceptions of things in the light of … [Read more...]

“Fruitcake” Bites (Dried-Fruit Cookies)

There are those who love fruit cake and those who don't (to put it nicely). I fall into the latter of the's definitely not one of my favorites to say the least. But these cookies are really quite good. The taste is reminiscent of fruitcake, but in a good way :) These cookies are made with plenty of "natural" dried … [Read more...]

The History of Corn & Vitamin B Deficiency (Pellagra)

When Christopher Columbus discovered America, he also discovered corn. At this time corn was a major part of the diet of most native people living in North and South America. Though at this time, Europeans did not know about corn until he returned to Spain with samples. Within a few years the Spaniards had introduced maize … [Read more...]

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