Lacto-Fermenting, 3 Elephants and Betty Crocker

We are at the height of lacto-fermenting season right now, and we have been getting some emails hinting at certain questions that I call "the elephant in the room". What are elephant in the room questions? These are the questions that lots of people want to ask but don't. Often there can be many elephants, but who wants to … [Read more...]

“Best Ever” Lacto-fermented Sauerkraut *

I've finally found the secret to great sauerkraut.....very finely shred the cabbage! I was doing it by hand before because I don't have a thin enough blade for my food processor. But I guess cutting it into shreds by hand just wasn't getting it thin enough. And I never thought to use my mandoline slicer....duh :P So that's … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way -