“Stuffed” Delicata Squash

Delicata Squash is one of my favorite foods of the fall season. It is a fairly small winter squash with a wonderfully rich flavor and creamy texture, reminiscent of butternut squash -- but easier to work with. Delicata Squash is delicious so many ways, but this "stuffed" version is both beautiful, presentation-wise, and … [Read more...]

Crispy “Fried” Sage Leaves

These crispy fried sage leaves are a perfect side and garnish for your holiday meals, or any other special meals for that matter. They are a delightful delicate treat sprinkled with just a touch of sea salt. My kids actually enjoy them as well :) And they are so easy (and quick) to make. You will Need: - Fresh Sage … [Read more...]

“Best Ever” Lacto-fermented Sauerkraut *

I've finally found the secret to great sauerkraut.....very finely shred the cabbage! I was doing it by hand before because I don't have a thin enough blade for my food processor. But I guess cutting it into shreds by hand just wasn't getting it thin enough. And I never thought to use my mandoline slicer....duh :P So that's … [Read more...]

Lacto-fermented “Pickled” Jalapeño Pepper Slices *

Lacto-fermented, or cultured, vegetables and condiments are a great way to get plenty of beneficial "good" bacteria in your gut. You should have some form of lacto-fermented condiment or side with every meal. Proper gut health is so important to your overall health, as most diseases and health problems stem from poor health … [Read more...]

Crock-Pot Refried Black Beans *

Making refried beans in your crock-pot couldn't be easier. This recipe makes enough to last for several meals....and the beans will keep in the fridge for a couple of weeks. Serve these refried black beans with anything from tacos to fried eggs and salsa. When making these beans I like to start in the AM, allowing them to … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com