Secret Of How To Eat Fermented Foods Daily

We hear about how healthy fermented foods are, but how do we get these foods into our daily meal plan? I hear people tell me all the time, "I just can't eat sauerkraut another day in a row"! Guess what I agree, eating the same foods everyday and week-in and week-out can wear out any healthy eating plan. People like variety … [Read more...]

3 Easiest Foods To Ferment

You have been hearing about how fermented foods are so good for your health! Calling up your favorite search tool, Google, Bling, or Yahoo gives many different results. Which is great, but where do you start? What vegetable is the easiest to ferment, but yet gives great returns? Eating fermented foods on a regular basis … [Read more...]

4 Unknown Benefits Of Fermented Foods

Let me share with you 4 mostly unknown benefits of traditional fermented / lacto fermented foods. Some people already understand that fermented foods can help with digestive problems. In fact today more doctors are telling us that we can't completely eliminate digestive problems unless we improve the number of beneficial … [Read more...]

Heart Attacks, Probiotics, Fermented Foods and Cholesterol!

Who would have thought you might be able to eat your way out of a heart attack! Guess that adds a new idea of "eat your heart out." Lets look at some facts and then get into the great news! Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer of men and women in America, and over 831,000 people die of cardiovascular disease each year in … [Read more...]

Pork, Sauerkraut & The Emergency Room?

On the way home from teaching lacto-fermenting to Clients, I usually pass by a certain barbeque restaurant that is very popular with the locals. It is interesting to note that I have seen an ambulance with lights flashing parked out front more than a few times. Now to be fair I pass by lots of different restaurants, but it … [Read more...]

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