Newest Thing Out! Self Detoxifying Foods

Step right up and get your self detoxifying foods. Yes, you heard me right! These foods will clean themselves of toxins before you eat them. They will lower levels of pesticides that they absorbed from being sprayed during growing. Sounds too good to be true? Heck, we don't even use organic vegetables to lacto-ferment with … [Read more...]

Lacto-fermentation: Ten Biggest Questions Answered **UPDATED**

Lacto-fermentation is growing in popularity as more and more people discover the health benefits of this ancient food preservation method. But I have to tell ya, the taste of these foods are a benefit as well. At Cooking God's Way we wanted to share the top questions from our local and online classes on … [Read more...]

Got A Brain – You Need Traditional Foods!

As we left the farm and moved to the city our way of life changed. The horse was traded in for the automobile, wood stoves were upgraded to the modern electric range, and traditional diets were traded for fast foods. Worldwide we are seeing higher rates of obesity each year, along with increasing health problems. Add to … [Read more...]

Raw vs. Cooked vs. Fermented Vegetables, The Winner?

We have heard that it is healthy to eat your vegetables raw? I bet many of us have heard that one time or another. Many experts push raw vegetables as being anti-cancer along with aiding to long life. The reasoning is that raw vegetables lose their vitamins and enzymes during the cooking process. What if I told you I … [Read more...]

Pork, Sauerkraut & The Emergency Room?

On the way home from teaching lacto-fermenting to Clients, I usually pass by a certain barbeque restaurant that is very popular with the locals. It is interesting to note that I have seen an ambulance with lights flashing parked out front more than a few times. Now to be fair I pass by lots of different restaurants, but it … [Read more...]

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