The Second Step To Better Health

So you've decided that you want to go beyond just taking some probiotics and supplements, The First Step To Better Health, and real health is what you are on track to find. The second step to better health just requires some planning. Great thing is, planning is nothing new, we plan what we are going to do each week. Now … [Read more...]

Brazil Nuts Lower Cholesterol By 20 Points

Yes you read the title correctly, "Brazil Nuts Lower Cholesterol By 20 Points". What is it that does this in Brazil nuts? And how many do I have to eat and how often? Do they have to be organic? Hold on a second. I know with how cholesterol is talked about all the time that this can be big news, but give me a second to … [Read more...]

The First Step To Better Health

If you want to start eating healthy and feeling better, where do you start? Being a board certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, this is a question I get asked all the time. I've found that simple changes are the ones that stick. Just make a small addition at first to your menu. What if I told you this thing you add … [Read more...]

Gluten-Free: Fad or Healthy?

We are hearing a lot about gluten-free foods and diets in the media. Just take a stroll down the market aisle and you will see foods everywhere that have big print declaring "Gluten-Free". Restaurants are now offering gluten-free meal choices. Domino's Pizza has a gluten-free pizza. You can even get gluten-free yogurt and … [Read more...]

7 Uses For Fermented Vegetables

You may have been reading about fermented vegetables and how great they can be for your body. One thing to remember is they need to be a part of your diet every day, but let me tell you it can get old just eating some sauerkraut everyday. So I wanted to share some ways we get these great foods into our daily menu. First, … [Read more...]

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