Diets Fail, Keys To Not!

The diet/health industry makes more than a billion dollars a year, every year! That is a lot of money every year. But I have one question to ask, just one. If they were really helping people wouldn't they each year make less money as more people were helped? But, each year the diet/health industry makes more money. So they … [Read more...]

Fake Food vs. REAL FOOD!

We often hear our friends say, "is it real?". It is amazing what can be done in movies and it looks so real. You only know it is fake because it is so over the top and outlandish. But have you taken another look at the food you eat? Maybe, that item you picked up for lunch has a dark secret and is not what it appears to … [Read more...]

10 Superfoods I Can’t Do Without!

We hear so much about superfoods that we need to eat to stay healthy, but have you noticed that they are often from a far off land and are very expensive. Sounds great for the seller of these superfoods, but not so great for the buyers --- you and me. You want to do right by your family, so you buckle down and buy that … [Read more...]

The Second Step To Better Health

So you've decided that you want to go beyond just taking some probiotics and supplements, The First Step To Better Health, and real health is what you are on track to find. The second step to better health just requires some planning. Great thing is, planning is nothing new, we plan what we are going to do each week. Now … [Read more...]

Pork, Sauerkraut & The Emergency Room?

On the way home from teaching lacto-fermenting to Clients, I usually pass by a certain barbeque restaurant that is very popular with the locals. It is interesting to note that I have seen an ambulance with lights flashing parked out front more than a few times. Now to be fair I pass by lots of different restaurants, but it … [Read more...]

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