True Cost Of Eating Healthy

We have all heard the phrase, "You get what you pay for." Do we take the time to actually run these words over in your mind? Today everything is a fast move, fast choice, and fast action. Health is the opposite. It takes time, something many people tell me they just don't have. One thing I have noticed is that we all make … [Read more...]

10 Superfoods I Can’t Do Without!

We hear so much about superfoods that we need to eat to stay healthy, but have you noticed that they are often from a far off land and are very expensive. Sounds great for the seller of these superfoods, but not so great for the buyers --- you and me. You want to do right by your family, so you buckle down and buy that … [Read more...]

Gluten-Free: Fad or Healthy?

We are hearing a lot about gluten-free foods and diets in the media. Just take a stroll down the market aisle and you will see foods everywhere that have big print declaring "Gluten-Free". Restaurants are now offering gluten-free meal choices. Domino's Pizza has a gluten-free pizza. You can even get gluten-free yogurt and … [Read more...]

4 Unknown Benefits Of Fermented Foods

Let me share with you 4 mostly unknown benefits of traditional fermented / lacto fermented foods. Some people already understand that fermented foods can help with digestive problems. In fact today more doctors are telling us that we can't completely eliminate digestive problems unless we improve the number of beneficial … [Read more...]

Top 5 Benefits of Fermented Foods

Ever wondered about the great benefits of lacto-fermented foods and sourdough products? Maybe match up what you are interested in with the food that derives the benefits? To help you decide, here is a list of different topics with the associated benefits. The benefits are followed by if this is something that … [Read more...]

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