20 Reasons You Can’t Live Without Fermented Foods!

You maybe new or very familiar with lacto-fermented vegetables or as some call them fermented vegetables but, have you ever looked at all the great reasons for eating fermented foods? I bet you will find out something you did not know by the time your are finished reading this collection. Lets start with an understanding … [Read more...]

Brazil Nuts Lower Cholesterol By 20 Points

Yes you read the title correctly, "Brazil Nuts Lower Cholesterol By 20 Points". What is it that does this in Brazil nuts? And how many do I have to eat and how often? Do they have to be organic? Hold on a second. I know with how cholesterol is talked about all the time that this can be big news, but give me a second to … [Read more...]

Heart Attacks, Probiotics, Fermented Foods and Cholesterol!

Who would have thought you might be able to eat your way out of a heart attack! Guess that adds a new idea of "eat your heart out." Lets look at some facts and then get into the great news! Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer of men and women in America, and over 831,000 people die of cardiovascular disease each year in … [Read more...]

12 Turmeric Benefits You Should Know About!

Turmeric is the spice that can change your life. Yes, it can add a new flavor to your cooking, but how about being helpful with your health? From being a potent anti-inflammatory and reducer of IBS, to cancer prevention, turmeric has many benefits. Join me for a walk through this spice's benefits, along with practical ways … [Read more...]

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