The Ins and Outs of CBD Oil

CBD oil is making the rounds and is all the buzz in the natural health and beauty realm, and it has even been featured in food magazines.  There is talk that this oil is the greatest item for us since the wheel. Hopefully this information can help to give you a more balanced view of CBD oil. Is CBD Oil from Cannabis, Hemp … [Read more...]

Brazil Nuts Lower Cholesterol By 20 Points

Yes you read the title correctly, "Brazil Nuts Lower Cholesterol By 20 Points". What is it that does this in Brazil nuts? And how many do I have to eat and how often? Do they have to be organic? Hold on a second. I know with how cholesterol is talked about all the time that this can be big news, but give me a second to … [Read more...]

Weight-loss, Sports Vitamins, & Water – Seeds?

I can't say enough about how much I enjoy chia seeds mixed in with my yogurt every morning. Or how about added to a quick chocolate shake to hold you for hours, and aid in weight-loss? Yes, I am talking about the ch-ch-ch-chia pet seeds... that old product many of us have seen as kids. But if you knew what I know, you might … [Read more...]

Soy: The Many Dangers

A game I often play with my family is to quiz them on different foods by listing the health issues of the food. We get all kinds of guesses! It's sort of like a verbal game of charades. Here let me run one by you. What food that is commonly labeled as a "health food"... interferes with mineral absorption, inhibits the … [Read more...]

Mesquite Powder… the Secret Ingredient

Add some sweetness to that morning or post workout shake, while boosting important minerals. This relatively unknown ingredient has lots of great benefits that you will enjoy and your body will appreciate. Mesquite Trees I am talking about Mesquite powder. In Texas we are very familiar with mesquite as a type of tree … [Read more...]

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