Blood Orange “Creamsicle” Frappe

If you’ve never had a ‘blood orange’, you are missing out. They are quite a treat…with the taste of orange combined with a hint of raspberry-strawberry. This makes for a yummy tasting drink anytime of the day.

–> Start Here if Using a Vita-Mix: Zest orange; set the zest aside. Peel orange (discarding peel) and add the fruit to the blender. Proceed with recipe.

–> Start Here if Using a Conventional Blender: Zest orange; set zest aside. Cut orange in half and juice. Pour juice into blender. Proceed with recipe.

With your orange OR juice added to the blender (as instructed above), add in the milk and reserved zest. Blend for a few seconds to lightly combine.

Add in stevia or honey (to taste) and ice; blend on high until ice is thoroughly crushed and the drink is smooth.

Serve immediately in a tall glass.

Serves 1.

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