Spiced Holiday Eggnog *

This eggnog is spiced “just right” and it’s a delicious sugar-free treat…..there’s no sugar in it and it still tastes great. You’ll be wanting glass after glass of this creamy concoction. I know my kids sure love it!

If desired, and you are not on a sugar-free diet, you can omit the stevia and use about 1/3 cup of real maple syrup to sweeten instead.

Spiced Holiday Eggnog *
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
I'm not usually an eggnog fan, unless it's homemade. Thankfully eggnog is pretty easy to make. Though, be sure to make extra because everyone will love it!
Recipe type: Holidays, Beverage
Serves: 2 quarts
  • 6 large eggs
  • ⅛ teaspoon Pure Stevia Powder, or more to taste OR Real Maple Syrup, to taste
  • ¼ (slightly rounded) teaspoon unrefined sea salt
  • 5 cups whole milk (preferably farm-fresh, see RealMilk.com)
  • 1½ cups heavy cream (preferably farm-fresh *see note*)
  • dash (1/8 tsp.) cinnamon
  • dash (1/8 tsp.) nutmeg, plus more for sprinkling each serving
  • pinch (1/16 tsp.) ground cloves
  • 1 Tablespoon four-fold (extra-strength) vanilla extract OR 2 Tablespoons regular vanilla extract
  1. In large heavy saucepan, with a wire whisk combine the eggs and salt until blended. Add in the cream and whisk in to combine. Cook over low-medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon (about 15 to 20 minutes). Mixture should reach 160 degrees, don't cook too fast or let it boil, or the eggs will curdle.
  2. Remove from heat and add in the stevia, followed by other sweeteners (if using) and stir to combine. Allow mixture to cool slightly, stirring occasionally.
  3. Strain the mixture into a large container of your choice (big enough to hold ½ gallon). Whisk in the vanilla extract. Using a funnel, if needed, add in the milk. Stir or shake contents (make sure lid is tight) to combine. Refrigerate covered container until chilled, about 2 to 3 hours.
  4. Serve cold with a sprinkling of ground nutmeg on top.
Makes ½-gallon (2-quarts).

Note: Farm Fresh Milk and Cream are best. If you cannot find farm-fresh cream you may substitute store-bought cream (preferrably NOT ultra-pasteurized). You may also omit the cream, and use all milk, for a slightly less creamy eggnog.

*Sugar-Free / Grain-Free

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  1. Hi,
    I’m in Rwanda & don’t have access to powdered stevia- can you suggest a substitution? Could I use honey? I did bring with me some liquid vanilla stevia (drops), but I don’t know how many drops- do you?

    • Stevia brands, whether powder or liquid, all vary in sweetness levels.

      If you want to make it totally sugar-free, I would use the liquid stevia and just keep adding drops until it gets to the desired sweetness (start with about 30 drops and go from there). You can do this at the end when you mix everything together (after the cooking process).

      Or another option, which may be a little bit better, would be to use about 1/4 cup of honey (add this during the cooking of the eggs and milk). When you mix the cooked milk mixture with the remaining ingredients you can always add some drops of the liquid stevia to adjust the sweetness level. This will hopefully give you the sweetness you want without having to use a lot of honey, which at times lends an undesirable taste to some foods (a strong honey flavor).

  2. I love eggnog – can’t wait to try it (and the ice cream). I’ve seen other recipes for eggnog that are not cooked. Do you know what the difference is? Is it just cooked so you aren’t consuming raw eggs?

    • Cooked eggnog is usually thicker from what I’ve seen. There is no problem eating raw eggs, as long as you know where they are coming from (good quality, healthy, free-roaming, pastured hens).

      We just prefer the “cooked” eggnog due to the smooth-thick creamy texture.

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