There Are Bugs And What, In My Food!!!

If there are many chemicals in ice cream as we talked about yesterday, (What’s That In My Ice Cream?!!!), it makes you wonder what is in other foods we normally eat. Today lets have fun and look at some of these other foods, some of the ingredients are interesting and some may just gross you out. Crushed Bug Shells Used … [Read more...]

What’s That In My Ice Cream?!!!

What is better on a hot summer day than a nice bowl of Grandma's homemade ice cream, but I can't get that all the time. After all Grandma is not living in the backroom churning out the stuff. So, what about the stuff I buy at my local market, "It's not all that bad is it?" Well first, the frozen dairy industry is not … [Read more...]

Processed Food, is it Food Anymore?

Processed food is easy, convenient, and most of all it's cheap. But therein lays the problem. Cheap food = Cheap ingredients (artificial) These quick, cheap foods are processed under heat and pressure, which changes them from their natural state - destroying enzymes, depleting nutrients, etc. During this process … [Read more...]

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