10 Outrageous Fast Food Items

I know many of us have given up fast food in order to be healthy, but some of our friends are still eating these items. You will be amazed what is being sold by the fast food chains in the US and internationally. When I was a kid living in Germany in the 70's I don't remember seeing any fast food restaurants, but when I was … [Read more...]

Pink Slime On The Way Out?

A small victory has been made in the war against unhealthy processed food. "Pink Slime," is a meat product that is made up of ground beef and an industrial ammonia-laced byproduct. Beef Products Inc. (BPI) is temporarily closing some of its pink slime production plants as a result of public out cry. Pink Slime In case … [Read more...]

1 Food Type To Avoid For Health Success!

You are trying to better your health - reading more about it and making changes to your food lifestyle. Could I help you in your journey by recommending one food type to avoid? Can you take a guess what it is? Let me give you a hint it is bigger than a breadbox or even an elephant for that matter! :) Ok, ok let me tell … [Read more...]

Fructose: Is it Killing Your Liver?

WOW, what do you mean - Fructose is killing my liver?! Fructose is a natural fruit sugar, right? Well let's take a look at this and see what we find. Many studies are now showing us that our over indulgence with Fructose is the problem. Yup that same issue again, the one that makes us who we are comes back to get us, … [Read more...]

Processed Food, is it Food Anymore?

Processed food is easy, convenient, and most of all it's cheap. But therein lays the problem. Cheap food = Cheap ingredients (artificial) These quick, cheap foods are processed under heat and pressure, which changes them from their natural state - destroying enzymes, depleting nutrients, etc. During this process … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com