Top 10 “Best of 2010” from Cooking God’s Way

Well it is a New Year, hope everyone had a great 2010! I know that this year, 2011, is going to be an even better year. With that said, let's have a quick look back over some of the most popular posts for 2010. They may surprise you, as some of them did us. So just sit back and enjoy the start of your New Year. :) Top … [Read more...]

Cooking God’s Way Translated in 39 Languages

Since we are pushing into 85+ countries of the world it was about time we made it so the posts can be read in your native text. Glad we can offer this service for the people of the world. Not only can posts be translated, but comments can be translated too. It is an easy operation to choose your language, just look for … [Read more...]

Make Lacto-fermentation Easy with our Air-lock Kit!

The Original Veggie Fermenter™ from Cooking God's Way Using our economical air-lock system when making lacto-fermented foods has a number of benefits. Here are a few... Better tasting ferments! Air-tight seal! Reduces mold on top of ferments! (less scraping fuzz away) Releases pressure/gas naturally (no fear of jar … [Read more...]

Cooking God’s Way – The Future

So what is Cooking God's way up to now. Just read along and find out all the great things happening at Cooking God's Way. We are continuing to offer some of the best healthy recipes on the internet. A Cooking God's Way cookbook has even been published, which contains an e-book that helps to explain our healthy eating … [Read more...]

The Story Behind Cooking God’s Way

If you don't do something about your health... you will continue to have issues that will kill you overtime. This is what I was told by the doctors. Shannon and I have decided that we would like to share with you how Cooking God's Way created a lifestyle for us that grew and became our mission to the world. Here is the … [Read more...]

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