Do You Want A Healthy Change? Start the Easy Way!

Wow!!! Can you believe another year is finished? Are you where you want to be in your healthy lifestyle? Well if you want to make changes this is a great time to start. With the start of a new year many make New Year's resolutions. Do you want to make this year YOUR year of change? Or make a change for your family? Ok, … [Read more...]

Recipes for the Holidays (UPDATED)

Looking for "healthier" recipes during this Holiday Season? Here is a list of just some of the wonderful tasting, yet still healthy, recipes found on Cooking God's Way. Any of these would be perfect for all those get-together's, parties and other festivities you may have planned during this season. May all your days be … [Read more...]

For New Years Don’t Focus On Dieting

Is losing weight your New Year's resolution? Don't focus on dieting instead look at what makes up your diet. There are many diets out on the market and every one claims it is better than the one from last year or even last month. Think about it, we can put a man on the moon, but we can't find a diet that works for the … [Read more...]

Top 10 “Best of 2010” from Cooking God’s Way

Well it is a New Year, hope everyone had a great 2010! I know that this year, 2011, is going to be an even better year. With that said, let's have a quick look back over some of the most popular posts for 2010. They may surprise you, as some of them did us. So just sit back and enjoy the start of your New Year. :) Top … [Read more...]

The Next Step In Your Easy Healthy Change!

Alright, you have decided that improving your health is one of your major goals for 2011! Many of you may be thinking, "I don't know what to do exactly, guess I will just eat better". But what is better? Where do I start? If you missed yesterdays article, Do You Want A Healthy Change? Start the Easy Way!, start there and … [Read more...]

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