Zika: Get The Truth, Take Action!

Zika! It's all over the news and it seems like a new story about it comes out everyday. We hear it is linked to birth defects, and just recently memory loss in adults. What is up with this newest health concern? Can you get it here in the US? Is there anything you can do to guard yourself? Today we will examine the facts … [Read more...]

Lacto-fermentation: Ten Biggest Questions Answered **UPDATED**

Lacto-fermentation is growing in popularity as more and more people discover the health benefits of this ancient food preservation method. But I have to tell ya, the taste of these foods are a benefit as well. At Cooking God's Way we wanted to share the top questions from our local and online classes on … [Read more...]

8 Foods That Boost Your Immune System

Giving the body its super human ability to stop virus attacks is not something you will see made into a TV series. Although, maybe, I can see it... Avocado man defeats evil processed chips... well maybe it won't make it to TV. Great thing is you can affect your immune system by what you eat. I have the proof... Grandma … [Read more...]

Viruses, Immune System, Secret Improvements

Watch the news for a few minutes and you will hear about some outbreak of; Influenza, H1N1, West Nile, Enterovirus D68, AIDS, or Ebola. Wow! Stop the train... I want to get off! What is going on? Remember when we were kids? There was nothing like this happening! So what has changed? What can we do about these seemingly … [Read more...]

Ebola, Take The Quiz, Rest Easy

Ebola, it is all over the news today! There is now 1 confirmed death in Dallas, TX, just miles from our home. This is the hot topic of today and I have been asked by many if I am concerned about it. My answer: "No, not really!" Now I understand that sounds really uncaring or totally ignorant, but let me share with … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com