A Great Source of Protein

That common food source that is higher in protein than beef, the common bean. Yup, just a regular bean. Beans contain about 22% protein, beef runs about 18% and eggs settle at 13%. I am sure we have all eaten many types of beans and have our own favorites. Chickpeas, lentils and Fava Beans have been found in Egyptian tombs … [Read more...]

Sprouts: Super Nutritious & Easy to Make at Home

Sprouts are a tasty and nutritious addition to any meal (or snack), anytime of the day. I love, and so does the rest of the family, tiny little radish sprouts served over cottage cheese....Mmmm! they're so good. I know what your thinking though..... Sprouting, that's just too difficult and time consuming for me...I don't … [Read more...]

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