Secret Of How To Eat Fermented Foods Daily

We hear about how healthy fermented foods are, but how do we get these foods into our daily meal plan? I hear people tell me all the time, "I just can't eat sauerkraut another day in a row"! Guess what I agree, eating the same foods everyday and week-in and week-out can wear out any healthy eating plan. People like variety … [Read more...]

My Secrets to Perfect Lacto-fermenting

I wanted to steal the article from Jeff this week and share how I get my ferments to come out perfect every time! After seeing all the articles on the web I began to wonder why so many others were having issues. See, from my side of the fence the grass is green and life is good, and not just for me but also for the … [Read more...]

How to Roast a Pumpkin & Make “Pumpkin Puree”

Roasting pumpkin at home, to make homemade pumpkin puree, is much easier than it sounds or looks. The results are well worth any time spent. Not only does the final product taste better than "canned" store-bought pumpkin, but it is also just better for you (no BPA from cans, and you are not processing it under high heat and … [Read more...]

Sprouts: Super Nutritious & Easy to Make at Home

Sprouts are a tasty and nutritious addition to any meal (or snack), anytime of the day. I love, and so does the rest of the family, tiny little radish sprouts served over cottage cheese....Mmmm! they're so good. I know what your thinking though..... Sprouting, that's just too difficult and time consuming for me...I don't … [Read more...]

Healthy Fats: How to Cook with Good Fats the Right Way

Using the right fats for cooking is important for your health, but using them the right way is just as important. Afterall, you do not want to turn "good fats" into "bad fats" simply by using them the wrong way. Below is a simple chart with the different oils and what you can use them for, this is for quick and easy … [Read more...]

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