21 Reasons To Eat Healthy

The mind starts to wonder when the body is kept cooped up. We in North Texas have been experiencing some weather this week that has kept us trapped inside trying to stay warm. While staying warm I began to think about my old life of not eating well or being healthy and I made a list of reasons to eat healthy. Live … [Read more...]

For New Years Don’t Focus On Dieting

Is losing weight your New Year's resolution? Don't focus on dieting instead look at what makes up your diet. There are many diets out on the market and every one claims it is better than the one from last year or even last month. Think about it, we can put a man on the moon, but we can't find a diet that works for the … [Read more...]

Eating Healthy Is Now A Disorder!

Being overly concerned with the food you eat has now been labeled an eating disorder. Yes, you heard me right, if you are concerned with what you eat you may have what doctors are calling, orthorexia nervosa. Here is their definition of the disease. Orthorexia nervosa - defined in 1997 as a "fixation on righteous eating". … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com