3 Easiest Foods To Ferment

You have been hearing about how fermented foods are so good for your health! Calling up your favorite search tool, Google, Bling, or Yahoo gives many different results. Which is great, but where do you start? What vegetable is the easiest to ferment, but yet gives great returns? Eating fermented foods on a regular basis … [Read more...]

Lacto-fermenting Exposed – Truth Or Lie?

Many websites report lacto-fermenting as the holy grail of health, today we will examine some of these reports helping you to understand the fact or fiction shared. Stories are written about how eating lacto-fermented foods has helped heal many health issues, from gut digestive issues to life long health issues like … [Read more...]

Some Answers about Lacto-Fermentation

As you have seen we released Shannon's new book, Lacto-fermenting: The Easy & Healthy Way, and the response has been overwhelming. Today I wanted to share some of the great questions that have been asked about the book. A Few Questions & Answers Q: I was looking at the sample of your new book.  Do you always have … [Read more...]

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