3 Easiest Foods To Ferment

You have been hearing about how fermented foods are so good for your health! Calling up your favorite search tool, Google, Bling, or Yahoo gives many different results. Which is great, but where do you start? What vegetable is the easiest to ferment, but yet gives great returns? Eating fermented foods on a regular basis … [Read more...]

12 Turmeric Benefits You Should Know About!

Turmeric is the spice that can change your life. Yes, it can add a new flavor to your cooking, but how about being helpful with your health? From being a potent anti-inflammatory and reducer of IBS, to cancer prevention, turmeric has many benefits. Join me for a walk through this spice's benefits, along with practical ways … [Read more...]

A Readers Question, Answered In 3 Parts.

Recently a Cooking God's Way reader posted a question to me; What foods are good to avoid cancer? It is such a good question that I wanted to address it here on the blog for all to partake of. The answer may surprise some of our readers, while others will understand and nod approval. First, I want to start off by stating … [Read more...]

Raw Milk Fights Cancer? Who is Hamlet and Bamlet?

I don't know about you but I love a glass of cold Raw Milk. Well, now there maybe another reason to drink one, its anti-cancer properties. Before we get to how Raw Milk may have cancer fighting properties lets set the scene. Shakespeare wrote about a character named Hamlet who sought his Father's killer. Well... the … [Read more...]

What Is Hidden in Canned Food?

We all know canned food is not as good as fresh! But, there are other concerns to know about eating canned food that go past its taste and nutritional value. How about the can itself, what is it leaching into our foods that we eat daily. The FDA estimates that 17% of the American diet is made up of canned foods. Maybe this … [Read more...]

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