Gain Your Health & Have Fun

We have to face one fact that no matter how advanced our technology gets, we are still human. I know this is nothing new to you and in fact you are probably thinking this is a no-brainer; and you are right! So to keep our health we can't avoid requirements like, sleep,  drinking water, and eating a balanced diet. The … [Read more...]

#1 Food Secret, Do You Know It!

What if I told you there is one food secret that could change your life. And what if this food secret was something that after adding it to your diet it affected your chance of heart attack, lowered cholesterol, increased digestion, helped you lose weight, built up your immune system, fights disease, aides in detoxification … [Read more...]

My Secrets to Perfect Lacto-fermenting

I wanted to steal the article from Jeff this week and share how I get my ferments to come out perfect every time! After seeing all the articles on the web I began to wonder why so many others were having issues. See, from my side of the fence the grass is green and life is good, and not just for me but also for the … [Read more...]

Hot Chocolate, Poor Vegetables and the Fix!

This is the time of year when we are least active and feel like just staying under the blanket with a cup of hot chocolate. Don't forget this is also the time when we usually have the biggest issues with colds, the flu, and allergies. So that hot chocolate must not be giving our body the boost it needs. It makes sense that … [Read more...]

Some Answers about Lacto-Fermentation

As you have seen we released Shannon's new book, Lacto-fermenting: The Easy & Healthy Way, and the response has been overwhelming. Today I wanted to share some of the great questions that have been asked about the book. A Few Questions & Answers Q: I was looking at the sample of your new book.  Do you always have … [Read more...]

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