Do You Want A Healthy Change? Start the Easy Way!

Wow!!! Can you believe another year is finished? Are you where you want to be in your healthy lifestyle? Well if you want to make changes this is a great time to start. With the start of a new year many make New Year's resolutions. Do you want to make this year YOUR year of change? Or make a change for your family? Ok, … [Read more...]

Healthy Eating = Healing

We have all read the health articles about how eating healthy helps avoid issues with disease later in life, but what about health and healing today. Let me get personal and share some of mine and my families personal experiences with maybe a friend added here or there. I hope that this article will encourage you to keep … [Read more...]

7 Best Ways To A Healthy Lifestyle

After being asked by many clients and through emails I thought it was about time I listed the 7 best ways to get to a healthy lifestyle. Yup, the list you have been looking for that is going to change everything is at last here on Cooking God's Way. So without any more fanfare lets take a look at the … [Read more...]

Eat Healthy, Learn from Other Cultures & Have Fun!

One of the most memorable things about visiting another country is the food. Is it because it's all that great, or just something new and different? I think maybe it's a little of both. Well the great thing is that one doesn't have to travel to the far ends of the earth to enjoy other cultural foods. Once you know the … [Read more...]

Fighting The Good Fight, Healthy Lifestyle!

I was speaking with one of my fellow healthy lifestyle journeyers the other day, who confided in me and asked if we ever felt a healthy lifestyle was a lost cause in Today's world. Here is some of what was covered in the conversation. When it comes to eating healthy do you feel that you are fighting a losing battle? The … [Read more...]

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