3 Surprising Facts About Watermelon

Summertime always means watermelon time at our home. I am sure many of you have the memories of the backyard cookouts followed by a few slices of watermelon, one is just never enough. The good news is in the US, July is not only the month we celebrate our nations independence, but it is National Watermelon Month. Rightly … [Read more...]

Frozen Watermelon Margarita “Mocktail”

This watermelon margarita "mocktail" tastes similar to the real thing, but is non-alcoholic...so even the kids can enjoy it (and definitely will :) ). It is very a refreshing drink and perfect for those hot summer days. For a more authentic margarita style drink, rub lime on edge of glass and dip in sea salt (you may want … [Read more...]

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