3 Surprising Facts About Watermelon

Summertime always means watermelon time at our home. I am sure many of you have the memories of the backyard cookouts followed by a few slices of watermelon, one is just never enough. The good news is in the US, July is not only the month we celebrate our nations independence, but it is National Watermelon Month. Rightly … [Read more...]

Summer Can Be Unhealthy If…

We talk a lot about different "healthy" foods here and how to prepare them to enhance their nutrition, but did you know one of the biggest issues to eating healthy great foods is summer. Yup, eating good is all hooked to the season of the year! Now I know your thinking, "This guy has just flipped out! ... Is he trying to … [Read more...]

“Naturally Sweetened” Creamy Fudgsicles

These homemade fudgsicles utilize those over-ripe bananas you might have lying around. The bananas give the popsicles a creamy texture and natural sweetness. They're a favorite of both kids and adults alike. These pops definitely don't last long in my house! :) "Naturally Sweetened" Creamy Fudge Pops   Print … [Read more...]

Peach Sherbet

This homemade peach sherbet is just bursting with peach flavor. It is definitely on the top of my list of peach yumminess and very refreshing on a hot summers day. But sadly I am all out of the wonderful Texas Peaches I bought a week ago. Must--go--get--some--more... (You may omit the vodka in this recipe, but the amount … [Read more...]

Peach Upside-Down Cake

Right now peaches are everywhere here in Texas. I bought a peck of wonderful Texas peaches when we were on a recent road trip. So far we've been enjoying them multiple times a day and in many ways -- such as peach-topped yogurt, peach kefir smoothies, peach yogurt popsicles, just plain peaches, and this delicious … [Read more...]

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