3 Surprising Facts About Watermelon

Summertime always means watermelon time at our home. I am sure many of you have the memories of the backyard cookouts followed by a few slices of watermelon, one is just never enough. The good news is in the US, July is not only the month we celebrate our nations independence, but it is National Watermelon Month. Rightly … [Read more...]

Truth About Juicing

Have you been noticing the increased talk about juicing? Maybe you have had a juice bar open local to you? What is going on? Is it all worth it? Lets talk about the truths about juicing and cut through the hype! Why Juice? Juicing is the like eating lots of raw vegetables without all the chewing. By juicing you extract … [Read more...]

Peach Upside-Down Cake

Right now peaches are everywhere here in Texas. I bought a peck of wonderful Texas peaches when we were on a recent road trip. So far we've been enjoying them multiple times a day and in many ways -- such as peach-topped yogurt, peach kefir smoothies, peach yogurt popsicles, just plain peaches, and this delicious … [Read more...]

Spirulina Fruit Smoothie (Odwalla Green Superfood)

Odwalla’s fruit juice drinks sure are tasty – Heck I used to enjoy drinking them thinking I was doing something great for my body. But it turns out they are not quite as healthy as they seem. My issue with the fruit drinks are not taste, but otherwise. 1) They contain Soy Lecithin, see why I avoid any soy. 2) They are a … [Read more...]

Irradiation of Food: Is it really safe?

What is irradiation? Irradiation is a form of decontamination that is used to kill microorganisms, bacteria, yeasts, molds, etc. It is used to help extend the shelf life of food products like dried herbs, teas, potatoes, flour, vegetables, fruits and more. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has … [Read more...]

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