Sweet Treat: Caramelized Plantains

Plantains are great. I love them “savory”, fried in coconut oil, made into tostones (dipped in garlic olive oil or sour cream). But I also love them as a “sweet treat” or dessert as seen in this easy to make recipe that is sure to satisfy. You can dress them up for a simple dessert by topping with yogurt cheese or homemade whipped cream.

  • 2 ripe plantains (skin should be yellow with a lot of black streaks/marks)
  • 1 Tablespoon butter
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons sucanat or rapadura

Peel the plantains and cut into 1/2″ thick diagonal slices.

Melt butter and coconut oil in large skillet over medium heat.

When skillet is hot, add the plantains and cook for a few minutes, until lightly browned on one side.

Turn plantains over and cook until brown on the other side.

When both sides are browned sprinkle sugar on top of plantains in pan. Cook for a few seconds more, to let them caramelize slightly.

Remove from pan and serve warm as a sweet snack*.

*For a light dessert top with a dollop of yogurt cheese (Greek yogurt) or homemade whipped cream.

Serves 4.

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