Sweet Treat: Caramelized Plantains

Plantains are great. I love them "savory", fried in coconut oil, made into tostones (dipped in garlic olive oil or sour cream). But I also love them as a "sweet treat" or dessert as seen in this easy to make recipe that is sure to satisfy. You can dress them up for a simple dessert by topping with yogurt cheese or homemade … [Read more...]

Sweet & Tangy Dried Mango Slices

Dried mangoes make a great snack. Unfortunately the dried mangoes you find in the store usually have added sulphur dioxide and are coated in sugar; sometimes they even have artificial colorings as well. The good news is that it is easy to dry your own, all you need is an inexpensive dehydrator. These homemade mango snacks … [Read more...]

Healthy “Magic Shell” Ice Cream Topping

Once upon a time, "Magic Shell" was my absolute favorite ice cream topping. It's been a long time since I've tasted it. Now that we avoid all processed foods, packaged, bottled foods in our home...I decided to make my own. It's so easy and I knew the kids would love it as much as I do. And indeed they did! Give it a try and … [Read more...]

Roasted Habanero & Tomato Salsa *

This salsa is another favorite around here. YES, I know, it has Habanero's in it (one of the hottest peppers out there)... but before you go running away screaming ;) let me tell you that this salsa is NOT "Hot". In fact it's quite mild. The habanero peppers are roasted and simmered slightly in the sauce before being … [Read more...]

Korean-Style Chicken

This Korean-style chicken was inspired by the recent trip we took to our local Korean grocery store (read about it here). We served it with Kimchi and steamed rice... it turned out to be a fun and really tasty meal. I can't wait to make it again! 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless Chicken Thighs 1/2 cup garbanzo bean … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com