Dried mangoes make a great snack. Unfortunately the dried mangoes you find in the store usually have added sulphur dioxide and are coated in sugar; sometimes they even have artificial colorings as well. The good news is that it is easy to dry your own, all you need is an inexpensive dehydrator. These homemade mango snacks are naturally sweet with just a slight tang from the lemon juice.
- 4 to 5 large mangoes
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- smidgen (1/32 tsp.) NuNaturals NuStevia™ White Stevia™ Powder
OR 1 Tablespoon honey
In a small bowl mix together lemon juice and stevia powder (or honey) until dissolved; set aside.
Peel mangoes and slice into 1/4-inch thick x 1-inch wide pieces.
Dip the sliced mango pieces in juice mixture. Shake off excess juice and place mango pieces on dehydrator tray(s), making sure slices are not touching.
Set dehydrator to 135F and allow to dry for 12 or more hours, until pliable but not “wet” inside.
Amount Varies.
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This post is part of Nourishing Treasures – 101 Dehydrator Recipes.
Trader Joe’s carries both kinds: one with added preservatives (1.99) and one without ($2.99).
Mary Ellen, Thanks for the info, but I would remind you that when you buy processed foods you are depending on the truth of someone you don’t know. When you make them yourself you know exactly how they are made and what was added. I have seen too many reports year after year about how products were made ways that way not public knowledge. My health is to important to trust to someone else.