Lacto-Fermenting Saves Money, Health, & Energy

Have you been watching the price of food climb over the last few years? Today more than ever before, we have to watch costs and do what we can to keep them level. Did you know that lacto-fermented / fermented foods save you money? Yup, it not only preserves the food so it lasts longer, but it actually helps to wring out … [Read more...]

I Will Not Eat Natural! It’s Not Natural!

Yup, that is right! I will not eat natural foods. And you know what? You should not either. It is just not natural! Hold on a second before you click away. You maybe glad you stayed. Natural... What picture comes into your mind with that word? I bet your picture is not petroleum products, chemicals, waste, etc. Sorry … [Read more...]

Homemade Chicken Broth-Stock

There’s nothing that compares to homemade broth or stock. It’s full of nutrients and minerals that are easily assimilated by the body. And not to mentions it’s just delicious – on it’s own or as the base for any homemade soup, stew, or sauce. Broth is very easy to make at home with a little time and a few ingredients. … [Read more...]

Sweet Treat: Caramelized Plantains

Plantains are great. I love them "savory", fried in coconut oil, made into tostones (dipped in garlic olive oil or sour cream). But I also love them as a "sweet treat" or dessert as seen in this easy to make recipe that is sure to satisfy. You can dress them up for a simple dessert by topping with yogurt cheese or homemade … [Read more...]

Alkaline Water, Healthy or Harmful?

Water, we need it daily to survive and today there are many choices. Alkaline water systems have come on the market and are attracting attention, but are they healthy or harmful? I always believe that if people are informed they can make their own choices. So lets take a look and you can make up your own mind. What … [Read more...]

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