Weight-loss, Sports Vitamins, & Water – Seeds?

I can't say enough about how much I enjoy chia seeds mixed in with my yogurt every morning. Or how about added to a quick chocolate shake to hold you for hours, and aid in weight-loss? Yes, I am talking about the ch-ch-ch-chia pet seeds... that old product many of us have seen as kids. But if you knew what I know, you might … [Read more...]

Flaxseed: What You Should Know

Flaxseed is something that many of us add to our food daily for its ability to give us omega-3 fatty acid, but is there something we should know about this widely used seed beyond its golden color. Rancidity Of Seeds All seeds have to deal with going rancid sometime in their life. Before we get into how this affects … [Read more...]

Chia & Sesame Seed Sourdough Flatbread

Flatbread is a versatile bread that is easy to make and a tasty way to use some of that sourdough. You can serve them along side any meal or top them with as desired for a quick snack or lunch. This version of flat bread is deliciously nutty with a light crunch from the sesame and chia seeds. Chia seeds add a boost of … [Read more...]

Chia Fresca *

Chia Fresca, also known as 'Iskiate', is an all-natural energy drink made by many tribes indigenous to the American Southwest and Mexico. In particular the Tarahumara tribe would drink it to sustain themselves while running 100-mile ultra-marathons. This is an easier to get down version, not so thick, but still … [Read more...]

Chia – More Than Fun…A Truly Functional Superfood

We have all heard of ch-ch-ch- Chia Pets, and probably many of us even had one as a child. Those cute little terracotta planters in fun whimsical shapes of all sorts. You would soak the planter, spread it with the chia seeds, and watch it grow! But have you ever wondered about the seeds themselves...as food? I bet you … [Read more...]

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