3 Ways Fermented Foods Help Lose Weight!

Fermented foods can help you lose weight! Yes, many fermented foods that you can make in your own home can be a big part of the puzzle when it comes to getting that weight under control. You can enjoy sauerkraut, carrots, and pickles as part of a balanced meal plan. How can you lose weight by just eating some fermented … [Read more...]

20 Reasons You Can’t Live Without Fermented Foods!

You maybe new or very familiar with lacto-fermented vegetables or as some call them fermented vegetables but, have you ever looked at all the great reasons for eating fermented foods? I bet you will find out something you did not know by the time your are finished reading this collection. Lets start with an understanding … [Read more...]

7 Reasons I Will Never Stop Eating Fermented Foods

Often people ask me why I eat fermented foods. Off the top of my head I can come up with 7 reasons. You will be surprised by everything that lacto-fermented foods can do for you; increased digestion, strengthened immune system, balancing blood sugar, protecting from stress, and tasting great. Let me share them with you and … [Read more...]

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