Truth About Juicing

Have you been noticing the increased talk about juicing? Maybe you have had a juice bar open local to you? What is going on? Is it all worth it? Lets talk about the truths about juicing and cut through the hype! Why Juice? Juicing is the like eating lots of raw vegetables without all the chewing. By juicing you extract … [Read more...]

Gain Your Health & Have Fun

We have to face one fact that no matter how advanced our technology gets, we are still human. I know this is nothing new to you and in fact you are probably thinking this is a no-brainer; and you are right! So to keep our health we can't avoid requirements like, sleep,  drinking water, and eating a balanced diet. The … [Read more...]

Newest Thing Out! Self Detoxifying Foods

Step right up and get your self detoxifying foods. Yes, you heard me right! These foods will clean themselves of toxins before you eat them. They will lower levels of pesticides that they absorbed from being sprayed during growing. Sounds too good to be true? Heck, we don't even use organic vegetables to lacto-ferment with … [Read more...]

Amazing Foods You Must Have

Did you know there are amazing foods that you can eat today that can make a difference in your life. I know that is a big sounding statement that kinda sounds sales like, but what if it is actually true. Would you make a change to gain a longer life, lose weight, help your skin look better, have more energy, and just feel … [Read more...]

Lacto-fermentation: Ten Biggest Questions Answered **UPDATED**

Lacto-fermentation is growing in popularity as more and more people discover the health benefits of this ancient food preservation method. But I have to tell ya, the taste of these foods are a benefit as well. At Cooking God's Way we wanted to share the top questions from our local and online classes on … [Read more...]

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