Iron: Pasteurized Milk vs Raw Milk

Iron in milk! Popeye would just grab his can of spinach. There has been some confusion when it comes to milk and its content of iron, so let's set the record straight today. In a previous post, Raw Milk – 8 Reasons It Is “The Perfect Food”, we mentioned why raw milk was so goof for you. Lets add reason 9 and 10 … [Read more...]

30 Day Raw Milk Fast Is A Diet After-all

In October of 2010 I went on a 30 Day RawMilk fast. It is now 60 days later and I thought it was time to revisit the results and give you an update of where I am today because of the Raw Milk Fast. I did not go on the diet because of it healing or its weight-loss abilities, which I have read many articles about. Being a raw … [Read more...]

Raw Milk Fights Cancer? Who is Hamlet and Bamlet?

I don't know about you but I love a glass of cold Raw Milk. Well, now there maybe another reason to drink one, its anti-cancer properties. Before we get to how Raw Milk may have cancer fighting properties lets set the scene. Shakespeare wrote about a character named Hamlet who sought his Father's killer. Well... the … [Read more...]

Use Google? Thank A Veteran!

Even with all that has happened in our country in the last 2 years. We still have many rights others in the world can't even begin to dream about. An example is a simple search engine that you may have used to find Cooking God's Way, Google. Take the time today to thank a Veteran or active service person, because of their … [Read more...]

Avoiding the Flu and Cold Season!

The change of Seasons is upon us. As we head indoors we get less sun and exercise, slowly the immune systems get weaker. Then cold and flu season pops up at your door. Here is what you can do to keep that immune system strong and cheat the sick season. Why is it important to keep the immune system strong? Well that is … [Read more...]

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