5 Foods I Will Never Eat, What About You!

Are there foods that you have decided you will never eat? I'll bet there are a few you have made this choice with! Did you make this choice based on taste, cost, maybe health? Some of these foods are not even foods, at least, in a real sense. My criteria for selecting these foods is that they contain unnatural ingredients … [Read more...]

Soy: The Many Dangers

A game I often play with my family is to quiz them on different foods by listing the health issues of the food. We get all kinds of guesses! It's sort of like a verbal game of charades. Here let me run one by you. What food that is commonly labeled as a "health food"... interferes with mineral absorption, inhibits the … [Read more...]

Soy Sauce Substitute

I've always loved that umami flavor that soy sauce brings to any food or dish. Though now, after learning about how unhealthy soy can be, our family really tries to stay away from it. So if you're like me and have missed the taste that soy sauce brings, then you're in for a treat. This healthy soy sauce alternative is easy … [Read more...]

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