Canola Oil: Healthy Oil or Pesticide? *UPDATED*

God never made a Canola plant, so where does Canola Oil really come from? Canola comes from the Rapeseed plant, a member of the mustard family, it was genetically engineered and developed in Canada. It should really be named "Rapeseed Oil". But who would buy that? Doesn't sound very appealing. So it was given the name … [Read more...]

Soy: The Many Dangers

A game I often play with my family is to quiz them on different foods by listing the health issues of the food. We get all kinds of guesses! It's sort of like a verbal game of charades. Here let me run one by you. What food that is commonly labeled as a "health food"... interferes with mineral absorption, inhibits the … [Read more...]

Artificial Sweeteners + Vitamins = Healthy?

Everyone is getting on the health bandwagon these days and the artificial sweetener companies don't want to be left out. Enter Splenda Essentials with its new health-supporting product, which actually may be more closely linked to common household bleach than to health. Chlorine Is Nature's Doberman Attack Dog What are we … [Read more...]

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