Raw Milk Truths Revealed

Ever wanted to know the real facts about Raw Milk or just dig deeper into Raw Milk. Well here is the video that will help give you the information you want. This video is packed with truths, such as why the pasteurization of milk was started and why homogenization can be so harmful to your health. Consider this video a … [Read more...]

Stevia: The Sweet Leaf. And How To Use It.

Stevia is an herb/shrub native to subtropical and tropical South America and Central America. The species Stevia rebaudiana, commonly known as sweetleaf, sweet leaf, sugarleaf, or simply stevia, is widely grown for its sweet leaves (about 300 times sweeter than sugar). As a sweetener and sugar substitute, stevia's taste has … [Read more...]

Agave Nectar: Natural or Not?

You may have heard about Agave Nectar, or seen it in your local health food store. You may have even used it before. I have heard all the buzz about agave nectar being this great healthy sweetener, but had not tried it. I wanted to do some research before diving into the world of agave. So I set out to do so... Good, Bad, … [Read more...]

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