How to Avoid Fall, Winter Colds & Flu with Food

We are getting out of the heat and fall is starting. For you this might not be a big deal, but for us living in Texas, I am so glad the 100+ degree days are gone!  I even got to open up the house and let some cool air in! Now that I have let off some steam so to speak, lets face some facts. Cold weather means more people … [Read more...]

One Food To Avoid On Vacation!

We are all out looking to relax before the school season starts backup again. No matter how hard we try to do well with our eating habits this one food keeps popping up. Vacations are not even safe! Recently we made a tip to Galveston, TX to enjoy the beach and I was amazed with the many forms the sinister food took … [Read more...]

Sugar vs. High Fructose Corn Syrup

The battle is on. Which is worse for you will soon be decided in court. Yes, you heard it right! This week a federal judge will start the deliberations. To many that live a healthy lifestyle sugar in any form is not a desired part of their diet. We have heard for years how sugar is a zero when it comes to nutrition. The … [Read more...]

Artificial Sweeteners + Vitamins = Healthy?

Everyone is getting on the health bandwagon these days and the artificial sweetener companies don't want to be left out. Enter Splenda Essentials with its new health-supporting product, which actually may be more closely linked to common household bleach than to health. Chlorine Is Nature's Doberman Attack Dog What are we … [Read more...]

Tools You Need to Make a “Healthy” Lifestyle Change

Yes, the New Year is upon us. It’s a time to reflect on this past year and what we would like to change for the better, particularly in our health. Nutrition, the way we eat, certainly has an enormous impact on our health and wellness. Have you been eating the way you want to? The way you should? Maybe you have good … [Read more...]

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